Should You Acquire A Business Or Start One From Scratch?

Most of the "startup advice" out there is wrong, risky, and DANGEROUS.

All day you hear things like:

❌"Quit your day job and pour your life savings into your business idea!"

❌"Don't worry if you mess up, you'll bounce back!"

and I love this one...

❌ "Jump from the airplane and find your parachute on the way down!"

Unfortunately, more than 50% of new businesses fail within five years...leaving the owners stressed, in trouble, or even RUINED.

They simply run out of time and money because they can't figure out how to build their new idea into a profitable business - And they shut it down.

Well...what if you could bypass the riskiest part of owning a business: Starting it?

Skip the risky startup phase altogether?

And step into an established and profitable business that pays you a salary on day #1?

I'm talking about BUYING a business that already has customers, employees, systems in place, and hundreds of happy customers willing to pay you every single day...and they're already there.

* Bypass the risk.

* Skip the sleepless nights.

* Don't try to reinvent the wheel...or invent anything at all.

Best of all, you don't need a ton of capital to get this business started, since you can finance up to 90-100% of the deal with a bank or outside investors.

Through 10+ years as a CPA and M&A advisor, I've seen a lot of reasons why businesses get acquired...and even more reasons why they DON'T.

And even more entrepreneurs who were better of stepping into a management/owner role rather than starting something completely from scratch.

In 2019 we want to help a handful of entrepreneurs "skip the line" and take over a cash flowing business of their own.

No “lean startup” models

No sleepless nights

No wondering if you will ever find that magical investor.

Book a consultation if you want to learn how to acquire a business.